Running Test Cases with Automated Script in Azure DevOps

In this blog, I will show step by step process to run a test case with an automated script in Azure DevOps. We will be able to select specific test cases in Azure DevOps and execute them against the automation script. For this, we need to follow the following simple 5 steps. Step 1: ConfigureContinue reading “Running Test Cases with Automated Script in Azure DevOps”

PlayWright SpecFlow

This blog is straightforward showing step by step for 1. Add extensions specflow in Visual Studio code if you haven’t already. 2. Create a new project then select specflow template and select NUnit framework. 3. Install the package Microsoft.Playwright.NUnit using Nuget package manager 4. Create a class Driver.cs under the Driver folder 5. Create aContinue reading “PlayWright SpecFlow”

API testing with RestSharp (C#)

There are many ways to test APIs using tools like JMeter, PostMan, SoapUI etc. Today I will show how can we automate using RestSharp (C#). I will be covering the common HTTP methods like Get, Post, Put, Patch and Delete. RestSharp is a popular library in C# for making HTTP requests and working with RESTfulContinue reading “API testing with RestSharp (C#)”

API Testing with Cypress

Cypress is a swiss knife, we can use it for front-end as well as back-end testing. The back-end testing (API testing) can be done by following steps. Below, I’ve shown how Cypress can be used for API testing. This blog contains: Starting empty node project Installing Cypress Using Get API Asserting response from API GenerateContinue reading “API Testing with Cypress”

Jmeter Tips and Tricks

Using Roles/Permission in JMeter for API Testing I was working in a project where there was one Admin user and there were more than 100 HTTP API Request. I wrote my API script and had an assertion accordingly. Later, the requirement for the business changed. They introduced 10 more roles (SuperAdmin, SalesManager, Sales, Finance etc)Continue reading “Jmeter Tips and Tricks”

Principle of test automation

There is some principle in automation. You must think about some of the principles of the automation before you start test automation. Writing test automation is an easy job but writing good test automation is hard. By keeping following principle in your mind before you start your automation makes your job easy, makes your scriptContinue reading “Principle of test automation”

When is automation testing necessary?

As a QA, I always get confused when it comes to automation. When someone asked me “Do we need to automate this feature?” then I get stuck whether to say yes on no. Lots of question arises in my mind, why to automate? or why not to automate?So, I dig down on “when to automate”Continue reading “When is automation testing necessary?”